wellbeing rooms

Yoga Farm began as a space for the community to connect through yoga, but it has evolved organically into a nurturing, healing hub.

Western medicine certainly has it’s place, but it often deals with managing symptoms of dis-ease, whereas “alternative” therapies deal with treating the source of the dis-ease with a whole body approach to maintain optimal health.

Contact these wonderful, holistic practitioners directly for more information:

Naturopathy & Equine Therapy – Robyn Thompson – www.robynthompson.com.au

Kinesiology – Hugh Bevage – 0409 851 368

Creative Arts Therapy – Anna Neilsen – www.safespaceartstherapy.com

Zenthai Shiatsu/Lomi Lomi – Augustina Vigano – www.kamalaheartyoga.com

Sound Healing/Breathwork/Lomi Lomi – John Hutchison – www.breathingfrequencies.com

Sound Healing – Josephine Lange – www.dogstarhealing.com

Sound Healing – Lisa Singline – www.lisasingline.com

Breathwork – Jacquelyn McCarthy – www.surfcoastbreathwork.com.au

Clinical Nutrition – Erica Mansur –  0411 453 576

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